Full Stack Developer
NodeJS, React, SQL & NoSQL
Hi! I'm Orlando. 👋🏼
I spend my life developing automated solutions to all kinds of problems.
When I turned 16 years old not only did I love programming, but I also started to make a living from it, becoming a full stack professional capable of developing all kinds of applications on top of solid architecture patterns. As a result of this and more I love self-taught studies and I make an effort to grow every day adapting myself to new technologies.
Since 2011
+10 years of experience
AdventJS 2022
Un repositorio donde compartí la solución de los 24 retos del AdventJS, una iniciativa de @midudev donde por cada día de diciembre se publica un reto de JavaScript hasta el 24 de Diciembre.
Construí los mismos tests de todos los retos en mi propio entorno e hice una manera muy fácil y cómoda para ejecutar los tests.
About Me
My Story as a Developer
I'm Orlando Jose Briceño Blanco, programming has been a part of my life since my childhood, I loved it no matter what, and I always stood by it.
I didn't have enough resources to study properly and there was even a time in which I would write code in a notebook, in my spare time working the fields (yes, agriculture and all that beautiful work).
Still, as time and years went by, I became what I wanted to be, someone who could build anything by himself, but that wasn't enough, I built work teams and I realized how powerful a good team could be.
I studied hard and never stopped practicing, I developed applications with increasingly complex architectures, always focused in web development, I worked on the backend with PHP until I moved on to NodeJS in 2015, around these times I learned about SPA/PWA, NoSQL, ODMs, ORMs, API RESTs and from then on I grew exponentially (thanks to the communities which I was a part of).
Throughout this long journey I developed skills to solve problems with autonomy, work in a team and build clean code and architectures.
Currently I specialize in Full Stack web development with:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript.
- TailwindCSS / Sass
- MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS (Stack MERN)
- NextJS
- PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite
- Documentation for users and developers
In the year 2016 I started my professional career as a Freelancer, developing both web applications and hybrid mobile and desktop applications for clients and personal projects, achieving a gigantic advancement in my professional and personal life.
Currently I wish to continue growing alongside my wife, educating and guiding anyone who now finds themselves in the same situation that I once was in.
I'm aware I must never stop learning, keep growing and give my support to the web developing world.
Let's talk
Orlando Jose Briceño Blanco
NodeJS and React Full Stack Developer
I hope I managed to capture your attention and be pleasing to your eyes. I would sincerely love to be able to work together with you on your new project.
If you've really liked my work and profile as a developer, please give me your honest recommendation to be able to keep growing and sustain my home, my wife and my familiy; with your support you'd be helping me much more than you can imagine.